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Showing posts from September, 2017

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I need to write, to create, to express. I need to lay witness to who I am without fear of being overlooked or judged. So I'm starting again, after many many failed and successful attempts at everything. Projects galore come and went unfinished, diets have failed, giving up drinking ditto and the same applies to smoking. What am I? A spineless worm? A witless insect? A bundle of flesh and bones without willpower or structure? What I am not is a victim and I have to stop thinking like one, and live in the now with all its pressures and joys and stop thinking about what was or might have been... So... Here I am again. What am I going to do today? What do I need to do today, and tomorrow and... no! Stick to today. It's always going to be today or I'll get drowned in my own anxiety. So let's start by putting away the stuff in the kitchen and use the new mop. Babysteps. Create a new blog for my writing: someone is going to do it. Clean my office Ti